Hello Life! Goodbye Dusty And Dull Resolutions.

Throw out your New Year’s resolutions!  Forget boring lists of goals and good intentions with their numbers (x amount of lbs to lose and subscribers to gain) and sobering approach (more tofu, less red meat).  I’ve got a better way.  Don’t you want to feel alive in 2011?  I sure do.  I want to roll around in the mud of enthusiasm and inhabit words like:



Join me in declaring 2011 our year to succeed.  Don’t sit – stand up!  Don’t clear your mind – fill it with desire!  Dig deep and be bold ~ write with passion and vigor!  What would make your world ROCK?  What would bring tears of joy and gratitude gushing down your face?  What would make your heart SOAR?

2011 is THE year!

This is the year my shoulder finally releases all its pain and discomfort… and heals completely!

This is the year my yoga practice creeps deep into my tendons and muscles and molecules and joints and breath!

This is the year I work diligently and faithfully… on the road to success!

This is the year my body returns to its ideal weight, strength and flexibility!

This is the year I turn up the volume!

This is the year the universe rewards me for taking risks on its behalf!

This is the year my creativity explodes!

This is the year I am abundantly compensated for following my bliss!

This is the year that love lifts me up and twirls me around with joyful abandon!

This is the year I surrender!

This is MY YEAR to let MY LIGHT shine!

* * * What year will it be for you? * * *